
  • リプライ RT QT を使い分けるのが良さそう、だんだんと経験して「なんとなくいいあんばい」を探していこう
  • フォローとアンフォローはカジュアルにしていこう、自分の興味関心も日々変わるものだし
  • 他の人にリプライとかしなきゃ誰もツイッタランドではあなたに気づくことはないよ、もっと砂場みたいにあそびたいよね!

What is Twitter Literacy? Playground in the Twitter land

Disney land Twitter lad

  • Im very beginner Twitter social world
  • I use twitter 7 years but i've never know 2 way communication with other users
  • I've think Twitter is My output sharing service but i noticed Twitter world is like a USJ or Disney land

Replay to another user

If you never replay to other users people dont notice you "EXISTS" in the world of twitter land

QT retweet

I yet well describing about it but choose replay or quited retweet is better for raise Literacy

Follow and Unfollow

  • you should never mind who follow you or who unfollow you or do not follow you
  • you better to follow other users and unfollow them very CASUAL like Breath in and out is in my opinion
  • your interest changed everyday so your followers and follow users everyday changed is so natural